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Healthy Skin and Wellness Clinic
Massage Therapy
Relax, Unwind, Release Tension, Detox and Just Let Go....

In all types of massage therapy, the intention is to relax the soft tissues, increase delivery of blood and oxygen to the massaged areas, stimulate the lymphatic system to aid detoxification, and help the body to relax.
Massage may be found to bring relief from everyday aches and stiffness, reduce stress, increase relaxation, address feelings of anxiety and tension, and aid general wellness. It can also be used in support of other therapies to assist in the rehabilitation of muscular injuries.
At The Healthy Skin and Wellness Clinic, I offer a range of massages to suit the client's needs; an initial free telephone consultation is first conducted which provides me with information on an individual's lifestyle and particular issues. This then allows me to adapt and provide a massage that addresses the individual needs and concerns of the client.
Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage (45 minutes): £40
Full Body Massage (1 hour): £50
Full Body Massage, Face and Scalp (1 hour 15 Minutes): £60

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